I don't have a favourite piece of technology but the cell phone is the most important to me because a use him every time, to talk with people who i know or my fathers, and this tool they are infomed of me and i know what things happen with they, i can watch news with my cell phone and know what it's happen in where i live, i can play a game of football and is very fun, if i haven't the cell phone i couldn't call to my parents and my friends, and watch photos of instragram, and my fathers will be sad because they do not know of me, I could not play my game of football in the cellphone where I have my team "Albo FC" with my players stars "Esteban Paredes" and "Zlatan Ibrahimovic.


  1. "I use him every time, to talk..." *

  2. i agree, the cell phones are a very useful tool and for more than just talk


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