In the 24th of april in 2017 a new earthquake shake the country of Chile when I was walk to my department in Santiago, according to the scale of ritcher the earthquake was of 7.1 and his epicentre was on 35 kilometres of the city of Valparaiso and was felt in Mendoza and San Juan of Argentina, I wasn't scared in the street but the people begins to scream things very crazy like "we will to die!" or "this is the end of the world!" and things like that, and this was very funny to me, so I walked to the department faster to can collect water if this was close. I remember the earthquake of 2010 when I was the age of 13 and all of my house was moving and the things fell out of shelves and the floor was covered of many glass broken.


  1. wow you were very brave nicolas

  2. wow i didnt know about this , yesterday i didnt feel the earthquake


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